Web Services List of public web services

Activity Scheduler (46)
Get a list of activities by school
Get a list of conference events filtered by conference and a limit
calendarGetListByMultipleCategories (Widget)
A list of one school's events of one or multiple categories,
in a specified time frame.
Get a list of events filtered by school, category and an event limit
calendarGetListBySchoolId (Widget)
A list of one school’s events, in a specified time frame.
calendarGetListBySchoolIdSPA (Widget)
Get a list of schedules of a school, filtered by date range with
bus time and dismissal
calendarGetListBySchoolId_Adv (Widget)
Get a list of school schedules filtered by events
calendarGetListBySchoolID_MonthView (Widget)
Widget with AS month view calendar for a school
Get a calendar of activities per school
Used by FinalSite to provide calendarGetSchedulesBySchoolID with
score information
Get a list of genders
getASSchedulesMultiLevel (Widget)
Widget to show AS schedule filtered by activity, gender, and level
Get AS central server information
getCoachInfo (Widget)
Get coach information filtered by school_url, activity, gender & level
getDivisionalStandingsWidget (Widget)
Section V widget to get Divisional Standing Widget
Get AS event status list
getGameStatsSummarySectionV (Widget)
Get Game Stats and Summary for Section V
Get all URLs that a client has permissions over
Get non-VHSL team information for Volleyball and Football events
getPowerSeedingsWidget (Widget)
Based on Section V Reports https://sectionvreports.org/reports/rankings?report-type=7
getRosterBySchoolAgl (Widget)
Get roster information by school URL, activity, gender and level
getRosterBySuperConference (Widget)
Get roster information from Super Conference URL filter By School
ID & School Year & AGL
getScheduleScores (Widget)
Get event information by activity,gender,level & school URL
getScheduleScoresByConfId (Widget)
Get schedule and score information per activity, gender, level
& current season in conference scope
getScoreBySchoolUrl (Widget)
Get event information by school URL, days ago and a result limit
getScoreBySuperConference (Widget)
Get event information by super conference URL, activity and gender
getSectionalStandingsWidget (Widget)
Section V widget to get Sectional Standing Widget
getStandingsByConference (Widget)
List of school standings, win percentage and points earned for
one activity, gender and level, optionally grouped as needed (e.g. by section or zones). Schools can be in one or multiple conferences. 4B Widget
Get a list of levels by school
playerStatsLeaderboardSectionV (Widget)
An overall player statistics widget that can be filtered by gender(boys/girls),
team/whole Section V, by scoring leaders, by goalie keepers, and assist leaders.
This web service will be used to retrieve the current roster
teams information by conference and sport.
rosterReportWidget (Widget)
All Roster Option Widget
scheduleScoreRosterStatBySchool (Widget)
A new embeddable widget for teams, that will show schedules and
roster of the team for the current or coming season by default, plus one year in the past and 3 years in the future.
scheduleScoreRosterStatBySchoolAll (Widget)
A new embeddable widget is now available for a school’s teams,
that will show schedules and roster of the team for the current or coming season by default, plus one year in the past and 3 years in the future.
schedulesGetListByConferenceUrl (Widget)
Get events for a specific conference by activity, gender, and
level. #82151
schedulesGetListByDateSchoolId (Widget)
Get schedule information by school and date range
schedulesGetListByDateSchoolIdLevel (Widget)
Get event information by school URL, date range and level
Get schedule information by school URL and date range for CESA
Get schedules by school url, activity, level and by date range
Get schedule information by school and a day range
Get event score information by school and event ID
Get a list of seasons
widgetEventsAndScoresByConf (Widget)
Set client permission for Scores Ticker
widgetGetScoreAllSchedule (Widget)
Get score information from all schedules filtered by level. Supports
widgetMultipleSchoolURL (Widget)
Get calendar from multiple school URLs. Supports widgets
widgetUpcomingEventPerLevel (Widget)
Get schedule information by school URL, day range and level.
Supports widgets
Facilities Scheduler (5)
Get event data from FS by school and a date range
Get event information by school URL
Get room information from FS by school URL
widgetEventGetByBuilding (Widget)
Get event information by school and building. Supports widgets
widgetEventGetBySchoolDateRange (Widget)
Get FS event information by school URL and day range. Supports widgets
rSchoolToday Portal (1)
Get date of event by school ID, year & month
Activity Registration (1)
Get AS Activity data from LC_listings
API Application (1)
apiResourceUncreatedFileTest (Widget)

Feeds XML,JSON,iCAL,Feeds

Activity Scheduler API Feed
XML, JSON, iCal Feeds

Simple Gcal Integration

Activity Scheduler-Gcal Integration
Real-time feed for Google Calendar